Common Questions

Feel free to reach out by email with any questions!

  • Why "Pebbles to Pearls"?

    We believe that in every individual lies innate potential that can be unearthed through education, leading to transformation of the individual, community and the world.  

    We associate this process with the analogy of a pebble being shaped by an oyster over time and giving rise to a precious pearl.

  • What is your overhead?

    We are a 100% volunteer-operated organization and all administrative costs are covered by in-kind donations from our board. We are proud to maximize the impact of your donation so that every dollar goes directly towards our projects. 

  • How do you select projects?

    We collaborate with grassroots initiatives whose work aligns with our guiding principles and mission to educate, empower, alleviate poverty, improve gender equity, and catalyze individual and community transformation.


  • How can I donate?

    We accept donations by mail, e-transfer, or Paypal. 

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